Perancangan Allah Itu Yang Terbaik...
Jangan bersedih... Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk kita, hambaNya... Kita diuji mengikut tahap keimanan seseorang... Walaupun perit... Namun kadang-kadang yang perit itulah penawar yang terbaik...
Jangan bersedih... Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk kita, hambaNya... Kita diuji mengikut tahap keimanan seseorang... Walaupun perit... Namun kadang-kadang yang perit itulah penawar yang terbaik...
Posted by
CaHayA SuFi
3:42:00 PM
Category : .: Personal :.
Penulis tak sangka pulak dekat Perak ni banyak betul katak-katak gergasi yang berperut bonyot kekenyangan... Erm... mungkin sebab musim tengkujuh ni kot... Semua pakat keluar untuk berbunyi..... mencari serangga-serangga untuk dijadikan habuan mengisi tembolok...wink* cu...
Posted by
CaHayA SuFi
8:23:00 PM
Category : .: Personal :.
Taken from If anybody knows who is the writer of this story please inform me ASAP so that I can write his/her name as the source for this article.TQ
I work through life…. working day and night. Let me tell you of my miserable plight…before that let me thank Allah most wiseful to that’s why I’m sharing my story with you…
From young I was told I had to be the best. I must learn to score for my exams and tests. I studied hard to be the top in class so that my friends will respect me with all the fuss. In my youth days, I was actually in secured…. so much temptation and many are impure. I prayed sparingly but it didn’t help me…why couldn’t I felt that Allah was watching me? I wanted to be the cream of the cake…I didn’t allow myself to make a single mistake.
I wanted more friends and also be praised…when I didn’t get complimented…. I felt so daze. I began to doubt myself again and again…was I not good enough or was I insane? I was feeling inadequate for my lack of looks…was I too fat, short or did my spell give the spook? I learn to dress up in trendy clothes bought from stores. I wanted people to look at me and say “wow” in awe…
I wanted to be adored…praised and be popular. Success to me is to be the top scorer. I wanted to shower myself in fame. I also hope to earn a big name. I studied hard and topped my school. I believe that to make friends…success is a tool. Whenever my friends were just beside…. I felt the pressure to display my weaker side. I’m afraid my friends would leave me if I’m not nice enough…so I bought them gifts and other good stuffs. Branded clothe, car, intelligence and friends…indeed you may think that I have all that I need. But I’m still unhappy inside and I don’t even know why. Was I not good enough, too ugly or too shy?
At work I pleased my boss to show him I was the best. I treated my colleague lunch and sacrifice all my rest. I was afraid that my boss dislikes me if I laze about. In front of him I did my best and try to stand out…then I climbed the corporate ladder and be my own boss. Finally I was successful but I was still in a loss. I was cheerful outside but scared inside. I was not even sure what I’m doing is right. I look around to see all my best friends…. I wondered…. if they still like me if my wealth ends. I cannot bear to face rejection or even fail. If I become poor and old, will my friendship be still? I work hard but whom am I trying to impress. The fear of losing my reputation is causing me stress. I want friends to respect me forever and ever. I could imagine my friendship to savor…but at last my business failed me terribly. I was down with illness and suffered painfully. All the people whom I thought were faithful friends left me because my status has no stands. I am left alone and wondered weather it is true…to make good friends wealth matters too?
One day I met a man who is unfortunately blind. He then advises me with word so kind. He said, “Love yourself and be grateful for what you are. You owe it to Allah for coming this far. Allah loves us and makes us Muslim. But many people don’t appreciate it…. It seems. It doesn’t matter if you’re poor or earn less, Allah loves who we are and He cares. Don’t do good deeds if you do it for shows or else your spiritual status will sink below. If you are humble, do good deeds and pray to Allah most wise…. You can earn yourself a place in paradise.
Good Muslims overcome worries and insecurity…. They are unfazed even if they are treated with hostility. Why be a slave to affluence and glamour…why worry if you’re not witty with humour. Always be yourself dear brother…have no pretends…Allah will still loves you even if you don’t have any fans. Why be afraid dear brother when friends shun away…when Allah is there for you…it’s always that way.
After the blind man left, my mind started working. I was still surprised and proof starts coming. It seems that I maybe a boss or lying here poor but good Muslims greets me with salaam, a smile and no fear. I kept wondering what is success to me…is it about having friends or earning a good degree? I had all these and yet I was not satisfied. Could it be because Allah was not on my side? Then I realize that I have been foolish…my insecurity is the one that was my hitch. Why was I ungrateful to Allah most great? Allah is helping us all the way as faith. Oh I’m ashamed for being so proud…when my success was actually a passing cloud. Now I realize my great, big mistake …so I do more good deeds now with sincerity and no fake.
When I’m back home…. I look at the side of my bed and saw the Quran. Guilt envelope me because the Quran I have read none. Since I was alone and feeling so bored…I explored the Quran to know about Allah the Lord. True Muslim friends starts to be friendly, it doesn’t matter who ever I’ll be. They except me and love me despite my flaws. I don’t have to make them like me by using force. I don’t have to impress Allah with my witty charm…I already know Allah loves me and protects us from harm. With Allah’s help we can attain peace in self. So let put doubt back in syaitans’ shelf. If there are problems with work and with men…please remember that it is part of Allah’s plan. Ask from Allah because He listens to us always. Allah will help us with His kindness and grace.
Let us learn from this life and trek the virtual roam…. remember that this world is only a temporary abode. Now I live through my life devoted to the Islamic course and repent…so Allah will love me despite my flaws. Remember true success is not about having lots of friends’ infact it is about passing Allah’s test. Happiness is not about showing of your generous part infact it’s about the attitude of your heart. Say, “ I like who I am and I’m glad to be me… I love being a Muslim and Allah set my heart free….”I can feel it in my mind and in my little heart bone. I confess with Allah around…I know I’ll never alone…
Posted by
CaHayA SuFi
8:44:00 AM
Category : .: Tazkirah :.
I asked God to take away my pride. ALLAH said "No". It's not for me to take away, but for you to give it up.
I asked ALLAH to make my handicapped child whole. ALLAH said "No". Her spirit was whole, her body was only temporary.
I asked ALLAH to grant me patience. ALLAH said "No". Patience is a by product of tribulations; it isn't granted, it is earned.
I asked ALLAH to give me happiness. ALLAH said "No". I give you blessings, happiness is up to you.
I asked ALLAH to spare me pain. ALLAH said "No". Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me.
I asked ALLAH to make my spirit grow. ALLAH said "No". You must grow on your own, but I will prune you to make you fruitful.
I asked for all things that I might enjoy life. ALLAH said "No". I will give you life so that you may enjoy all things.
I ask ALLAH to help me LOVE others, as much as he loves me. ALLAH said... Ahhhh, finally you have the idea!
What if ALLAH couldn't take the time to bless us today because we couldn't take the time to thank HIM yesterday?
What if ALLAH decided to stop leading us tomorrow because we didn't follow HIM today?
What if we never saw another flower bloom because we grumbled when ALLAH sent the rain?
What if ALLAH didn't walk with us today because we failed to recognize it as His day?
What if ALLAH took away His message because we failed to listen to the messenger?
What if ALLAH stopped loving and caring for us because we failed to love and care for others?
What if ALLAH would not hear us today because we would not listen to Him yesterday?
What if ALLAH answered our prayers the way we answer His call to service?
What if ALLAH met our needs the way we give Him our lives???
Posted by
CaHayA SuFi
8:15:00 AM
Category : .: Tazkirah :.